2024-2025 Games Schedule is full for the year! Thank you all for the bookings and support!
Rentals are $100 per hour IMPORTANT: Please read this list thoroughly before emailing [email protected] about renting the Gym. 1. Gym rentals are for basketball only. We do not host birthday parties. 2. Meeting room rentals hold up to 60 participants. 3. Non-basketball Gym rentals must be arranged by emailing [email protected] 4. High School Games are a priority of the gym. With one week notice, rentals can be cancelled and a refund made in the event that a High School wants to schedule a game that conflicts with a non-game rental 5. If during a Non-Team Rental, a visitor from out of state comes to the Gym for a tour, the Hoosier Gym will allow the visitor to still partake in a tour without imposing on the scheduled rental. The Hoosier Gym also will ask that the visitor be allowed to make a basketball shot, but will not intrude on the scheduled rental for an extended period of time. This is to allow guests with limited availability still a chance to enjoy the Hoosier Gym. Teams wishing to rent the Gym for a Game, can find their requirements at: thehoosiergym.com/team-rental 7. Refund Policy Cancellations due to any reason by the renter will result in no refunds. We will work to re-schedule your rental, but cannot guarantee a new date will be available. Cancellations by the Hoosier Gym for any reason will result in a full refund or re-schedule. Step One: Email the Gym (rentals@thehoosiergym.com)with date/time to secure it. Do not call the Hoosier Gym as this does not ensure we have your information correct. You can see the dates available at the Hoosier Gym on our Rental Schedule: www.thehoosiergym.com/contact Step Two: After confirming date with the Gym, read the rental agreement pdf (below) and fill out the Online Rental Acknowledgement form (to the right). Step Three: Secure rental with payment in shop below. This is the only method of payment for rentals. ![]()
$100.00 - $800.00
Step One: Email the Gym ([email protected]) for approval.
1. Gym rentals are for basketball only & groups of 10 minimum
2. Meeting room rentals up to 60 participants
3. Non-Team Gym rentals must be arranged with the Gyms Events Coordinator by emailing [email protected]
Step Two: Secure rental by filling out form and making payment.
1. Fill out the Online Rental acknowledgement under thehoosiergym.com/rental 2. Secure rental with payment in shop. This is the only method of payment for rentals and is the last step.